Initial iterations of the product (a,b,c)



The above is the final iteration for the product that we had to design.
I did some basic research and this was the most commonly used product by the elderly in the world. There are thousands of variations for a walking stick which made my idea a little more complicated to execute.
Later i realised that not too many elderly people walk out confidently in the evening/night mostly due to problems with the eyes. Poor vision, accompanied by slow movement due to redcued motor functions make them less confident and hence they are confined to their homes most of the time.
So i thought of a product that would enable them to go out later during the day, when there isnt so much light. A torch and a reflector would be merged in such a way so as to serve the normal functions of a walking stick and also have the advantage.
This design could be worked further to make it more ergonomic. Perhaps the placement of the torch could be different so as to not affect the handle.
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